Students at vigil for refugees

Religious Life


宗教生活办公室在这里鼓励你加强自己的信仰传统, 在一个安全的环境中提出棘手的问题, explore the traditions of others, 并以使世界变得更美好的方式服务.

Centre students are Baptist, Buddhist, Catholic, Hindu, Jewish, Methodist, Muslim, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, 和基督教会/门徒会,以及其他十几个基督教教派.

宗教生活办公室可以提供大量关于实习的信息, volunteer positions, mission opportunities, 以及社会服务领域的职业选择, mission, or peace and justice work.

Religious Life Information

当地教会赞助主日学课程和其他大学课程, 他们偶尔也会为学生们举办午餐和晚餐. 当学生在bwin体育时,我们作为一个资源将他们与会众之家联系起来.

• CentrePeace, 一个致力于教育社区有关和平问题的团体, human rights, social justice, immigration, war and peace, and capital punishment.
• “Religion, Human Rights, 和拉丁美洲”是一个系列,每年都会邀请来自哥伦比亚的演讲者, Mexico, Guatemala, Cuba, Nicaragua, 或洪都拉斯与我们分享他们的现实处境.
•贫困和无家可归周是每年的重点,包括路易斯维尔收容所的工作日, education programs, a fast for hunger, and other ways to work on hunger relief.

Services are held for Advent and Lent and Special events such as a Passover Seder and an Eid al Fitr commemorating the end of Islam’s holy month of Ramadan; and an annual interfaith dialogue series featuring speakers from Buddhist, Christian, Jain, Jewish, Hindu, and Muslim traditions. CentreFaith是一个由学生领导的校园跨信仰对话组织,它赞助讨论, films, 以及全年各种宗教传统的活动. 此外,六个学生领导的宗教团体促进团契和特别活动. 请参阅下面的宗教团契,了解校园内宗教团体的列表.

• Internships
• Seminary and Divinity school explorations

bwin体育社区提供各种各样的团体,提供祷告的机会, study, discussion, inspiration and fellowship.

Baptist Campus Ministries (BCM)
Contact: Kelly Anne Webb
Steve Newton

Campus Life Ministry (CLM)
Contact: John Duff
Bruce Jones, advisor

Centre Christian Fellowship (CCF)
Contact: Dr. Steve Asmus

Contact: Jason Crosby, advisor

Contact: Jason Crosby, advisor

Jewish Student Organization (JSO)
Dr. Shana Sippy, advisor

Muslim Student Association
Dr. Matthew Pierce, advisor

Meditation Centre
Contact: Dr. Aaron Godlaski

Newman Club
Dr. Christina Garcia, advisor

这是一些宗教活动的简要介绍, practices, and beliefs honored at Centre College.

Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols
In many Christian traditions, 将临期是等待基督来临的四周时间, 哪些西方基督徒庆祝圣诞节, December 25. During the four Sundays of Advent, 希伯来圣经中先知的读经集中在古代对弥赛亚的盼望上. 许多教堂用带有四支蜡烛的降临节花环来庆祝这个季节,这四支蜡烛象征着世界所等待的光明, highlighting themes like hope, faith, joy and love. 最后,在平安夜,基督蜡烛被点燃,象征着光明进入世界.


Ash Wednesday Mass
圣灰星期三是基督教四旬斋的开始. 四旬斋季节是一个为期40天的禁食期, 为圣周和复活节做忏悔和反省. 在圣灰星期三,许多基督教传统会举行以忏悔为重点的仪式. 灰烬以十字架的形式洒在信徒的额头上. Imposing the ashes, the minister or priest says, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.这一庄严的仪式提醒人们,人终有一死,需要依靠上帝. 它呼吁敬拜者重新委身于基督.
During Lent, 许多基督徒禁食或部分禁食,为圣周做准备, just as Moses, 据说以利亚和耶稣在旷野禁食了40天. The season is a time to practice self-denial, to lay aside vices, and to dedicate oneself to acts of charity. 罗马天主教的传统包括在四旬斋期间的星期五不吃肉,以及在圣灰星期三和耶稣受难日严格禁食.

Eid al-Fitr

The Feast of Breaking the Fast, 庆祝斋月结束的穆斯林宗教节日是什么, the holy month of fasting (sawm). The holiday marks the conclusion of a month of dawn-to-sunset fasting during which Muslims subordinate physical needs and worldly desires in order to purify themselves; to focus on God; and to cultivate the virtues of patience, discipline, steadfastness, humility and charity. 开斋节是一个祈祷和庆祝的日子,在此期间,穆斯林寻求怜悯和宽恕可能在过去一年中发生的罪行. 因为开斋节结束了一段有纪律的禁食和反思, Muslims awaken before sunrise, offer prayers, and enjoy small sweets for breakfast. Later, 这一天包括向有需要的人进行慈善捐赠,以及举行大型公众集会,进行特别的开斋节祈祷。, 其次是庆祝家庭或社区的盛宴和礼物(钱), new clothes, candies and toys). 在许多国家,开斋节是一个长达三天的公共假期. 开斋节强调了世界各地穆斯林的团结,并庆祝了对被认为是最重要的事情的重新关注. 请和我们一起祝福我们社区的穆斯林成员。”Eid Mubārak’—A Blessed Eid.

Holy Week
基督教的圣周是四旬斋的结束,也是复活节前的最后一周. 对基督徒来说,这一周是一年中最神圣的时刻. 这一周包括圣枝主日、圣周四、耶稣受难日和圣周六. It is a time of fasting, 祈祷和纪念导致耶稣被钉十字架和复活的事件. 这一周所读的福音书经文会让人想起耶稣生命和事工结束时的事件.

Palm Sunday
天主教和新教社区庆祝棕枝主日,这标志着圣周的开始. (东正教徒根据不同的日历周期来庆祝棕枝主日和复活节). 棕枝主日崇拜让人想起福音中耶稣进入耶路撒冷的故事,当他骑着小马时,人群把棕榈枝放在他面前的地上,向他欢呼, 一种被解释为实现与大卫的弥赛亚有关的预言的行为. 进入耶路撒冷开始了他的十字架之旅. 棕枝主日的服务通常包括棕榈叶的祝福, 读耶稣受难的故事(回忆他的痛苦和死亡), 还有拿着棕榈枝进进出出的队伍. 棕枝主日是一个提醒基督徒欢迎耶稣进入他们生命的日子,也是一个重新承诺跟随他的日子, no matter what the cost.

Maundy Thursday
濯足节星期四是为了纪念“最后的晚餐”,在这顿晚餐上,耶稣和他的十二个门徒庆祝逾越节,并设立了圣餐礼,纪念他受伤的身体和流血. 教堂以庆祝圣餐来庆祝圣周四. In some traditions, priests, 牧师或执事为社区成员洗脚,以回忆耶稣为门徒洗脚的故事(约翰福音13章)。. 这是命令彼此相爱,以无私的谦卑为他人服务的明显标志. After Maundy Thursday services, 教堂祭坛上的布被剥光了, candlesticks, and texts. 十字架或其他宗教符号被移走或蒙上红色、黑色或紫色.

Good Friday
耶稣受难日是一个庄严的日子,基督徒在这一天纪念耶稣的死亡,以及它对希望和新生命的承诺. 在许多传统中,耶稣受难日是禁食和忏悔的日子. 一些传统强调对十字架的崇拜和对苦难的沉思. 许多教堂立了一个木制十字架,人们在十字架前跪下来冥想, often at midday. 其他人祈祷或走“十字架的车站”,作为一种奉献,回忆耶稣在耶路撒冷的苦路(痛苦之路)到各各他被钉十字架的地方的旅程. 基督徒默想耶稣的苦难和他人的苦难.

Holy Saturday and Easter
圣周六是一个等待、祈祷和禁食的日子. Symbolically, 基督徒在耶稣的坟墓前等候, 沉思他的受难和死亡,期待着复活. Mass is not celebrated on Holy Saturday. 蜡烛仍然熄灭,祭坛仍然光秃秃的. In Roman Catholic tradition, 表示基督临在的灯或蜡烛被熄灭, 其余的圣餐圣体在圣周四被供奉在别处. 传统的复活节庆祝活动在星期六日落之后开始, which is Easter Sunday, liturgically. 复活节三叉戟节意味着在周五的苦难和周六的等待的黑暗中, 教会期待着主日之光的到来.

在印度教中,胡里节标志着冬天的结束,庆祝春天的丰富色彩. 此外,它回忆了流行的印度神话中的关键事件. 洒红节背后的主要叙述是毗湿奴教徒希拉雅卡什普的故事, 一个恶魔之王,他的忏悔使他几乎无懈可击. 这种豁免导致了过度的骄傲和要求人们崇拜他而不是神. Hiranyakashipu’s own son, Prahlada, 拒绝停止对毗湿奴的奉献,所以他的父亲试图杀死他, but every method failed. Finally, Hiranyakashipu得到了他的恶魔妹妹Holika的帮助, who was immune to death by fire. She carried Prahlada into the flames, but he prayed to Vishnu and survived, while Holika turned to ashes. 这种虔诚和善良战胜傲慢和邪恶的胜利在胡里节期间被庆祝. 尽管大多数印度教徒庆祝这个节日只有两天, Holi lasts for up to a week in some regions.

The five-day festival of Diwali, or “The Festival of Lights,是印度教徒一年中最重要的节日之一. It is also celebrated by Jains and Sikhs. 全世界有超过10亿人观看, 排灯节是印度和其他十个国家的法定节日. 庆祝活动突出了印度教传统的许多伟大故事, 主要是拉玛王子和他的妻子西塔从流放中胜利归来,并战胜了他们的对手. 印度家庭的传统庆祝活动包括点燃油灯或蜡烛,欢迎罗摩和西塔,庆祝正义战胜邪恶. Depending on region and tradition, 这个节日还象征着庆祝丰收和迎接繁荣的故事.

Eid al-Adha
献祭节,伊斯兰教最重要的两个节日之一. 开斋节特别重要,因为它标志着一年一度的麦加朝圣的结束, 在伊斯兰历的最后一个月庆祝. 一年一度的朝觐是“伊斯兰教的第五大支柱”,是所有穆斯林一生中至少一次的义务,如果他们有能力的话. 宰牲节是在12月12日日落时朝觐的高潮.

这个神圣的日子是为了纪念易卜拉欣(亚伯拉罕)愿意牺牲他的长子以实玛利,忠实地服从上帝的命令. 在《bwin体育》第37章的故事版本中, 然后上帝仁慈地提供了一只公羊作为替代品,易卜拉欣牺牲了公羊而不是他的儿子. Because of this, 按照习俗,在这个节日要献祭一只山羊, 羊或牛,并把一部分肉给穷人维持生计.

Most Muslims, even if not on pilgrimage, 庆祝这个节日三天两夜, offering special prayers at mosques. 古尔邦节是一个喜庆的节日,人们会穿上新衣服, exchanging gifts, taking time off from school or work, 和家人一起吃感恩节大餐.

Hanukkah, or the Festival of Lights, 是犹太教的一个为期八天的节日,纪念公元前164年耶路撒冷圣殿的重新奉献. 光明节庆祝宗教自由和从压迫中解脱出来.

光明节的故事来自第一和第二马加比书, 是塔纳赫的非正典增补吗, or Hebrew Bible.

光明节的习俗包括吃马铃薯煎饼。, sufganiyot (donuts), or other foods baked in oil; playing games of chance with a spinning top called a dreidel; and giving gelt (monetary or chocolate coins) and other gifts.

High Holy Days
我们社区的犹太成员进入至圣日或“敬畏日”,犹太历法中最庄严的日子,以犹太新年开始, the Jewish New Year, and conclude ten days later with Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Yom Kippur is a day of fasting, gathering at synagogue or temple, and prayers that continue throughout the day. At the end of Yom Kippur, 吹羊角号表示圣日结束,得到宽恕.
[我们的犹太学生向副院长提出有关宗教仪式的要求, 犹太新年和赎罪日被认为是旷课的借口。.

Mormon Pioneer Day
在摩门教社区,7月24日是拓荒者日. 这个纪念活动是为了纪念杨百翰和其他耶稣基督后期圣徒教会(LDS)的先驱们在7月24日首次进入盐湖谷, 1847. It was a turbulent time for the community, 约瑟夫·史密斯被暗杀,摩门教徒被驱逐出纳府, Illinois. Prompted by religious persecution, the demanding trek across the Great Plains, through the Wasatch Range, 进入干旱的盐湖谷是摩门教徒身份的决定性叙述.

Passover (Pesach), or the Feast of Unleavened Bread, 庆祝以色列人从埃及的奴隶中解放出来. 这个圣经故事讲述了在埃及人遭受了十场灾难之后,上帝拯救了以色列人. Only after the tenth plague, the death of the firstborn children of Egypt, did Pharaoh release his slaves. According to the story, 以色列人在门柱上涂上羔羊的血,上帝就守护这些房屋,使死亡越过他们. 然后他们匆忙逃跑,连生面团的时间都不够. Hence, Jews ceremonially remove all leaven (chametz), 包括必须从房子里扫出去的面包屑, and do not eat leavened bread during Passover. 无酵饼(无酵饼)是这个节日的象征之一, 同时也提醒犹太人当奴隶吃贫穷的面包是什么感觉.

Passover is a time of remembering. 它回忆的苦难和解放的历史也激发了奴隶可以解放的希望, that justice is possible, and that freedom is to be cherished. As such, 逾越节激发了为所有被每个时代的“法老”奴役和折磨的人寻求解脱的行动. 逾越节提醒我们,未来可以更美好.

The Labyrinth: Prayer in Motion

迷宫是一个大的圆圈,有一条来回弯曲的小路,交替地靠近或远离bwin体育, covering every quadrant, 最终通向一个中央祈祷圈. 迷宫是我们精神之旅的隐喻. 走迷宫是朝圣之旅,是与上帝同在, ourselves, and others. 它让我们全身心地投入到体验中, 用我们的身体、心灵和思想来敬拜.

我们的迷宫是仿照法国沙特尔大教堂(建于公元1194年至1220年之间)的一套地板设计的。. 对于那些到圣地朝圣是危险的或不可能的人来说,这是一个安全的选择. 今天,走迷宫的精神实践正在世界各地复兴.


Danville Area Congregations 

African Methodist Episcopal 
St. James A.M.E. Church 
124 East Walnut Street
(859) 236-3241
Rev. Ralph Smith, Pastor 

Assemblies of God 
Cornerstone Assemblies of God 
2035 Old Lexington Road
(859) 236-9058
Rev. Tom Lane, Pastor 

Calvary Baptist Church 
401 Waveland Avenue
(859) 236-5350
Brent Rowe, Sr. Pastor 

First Baptist Church (SBC)
1570 North Danville By-Pass
(859) 236-2276
Dr. J. Timothy Mathis, Pastor 

First Baptist Church (NBC)
200 West Walnut
(859) 236-4615
Dr. Derrick Briscoe, Sr. Pastor 

Gethsemane Baptist Church
123 Quisenberry Avenue
(859) 236-2581
Kyle Stachewicz, Pastor

Lexington Avenue Baptist Church
339 W. Lexington Avenue
(859) 236-3565
Basil Hall, Pastor

Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church
117 East Main St.
(859) 236-2111
Fr. Anthony McLaughlin

First Christian Church
555 East Lexington Avenue
(859) 236-4006
Rev. Joseph "Joey" Pusateri, Pastor

Indian Hills Christian Church
1200 Lexington Road (859) 236-7575
Jim Cooper, Pastor

Open Table Christian Church
117 Larrimore Lane
Danville, KY 40422
(West T. Hill Community Theater)
Pastor: Rev. Joey Pusateri

Southside Christian Church
1950 Danville Road, Harrodsburg
(859) 734-6927
Rev. Seth Widner, Pastor

Second Street Christian Church
228 South Second Street (859) 236-6564
Rev. Dale Smith, Pastor

Church of Christ
Danville Church of Christ
385 East Lexington
(859) 236-4204
B.J. Sipe, Pastor

West End Church of Christ
3040 Perryville Road (859) 236-9575
Rev. Rob Kernodle

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Church of Jesus Christ of LDS
110 Waterworks Road. Rev. Danny Phillips, Pastor

Church of God
Alum Springs First Church of God
3758 Alum Springs Road
(859) 236-4859

Danville Church of God
516 South Fourth Street
(859) 236-4018
Rev. Bryan Montgomery, Pastor

First Church of God
3220 Harrodsburg Road (859) 236-4700
Rev. Kevin Cummins, Pastor

Trinity Episcopal Church
320 W. Main Street (859) 236-3374 Rev. Amy Meaux

Jehovah’s Witnesses
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses
104 Breathitt Avenue

奥哈威锡安犹太教堂(保守派)2048 Edgewater Court, Lexington
(859) 266-8050
Rabbi Rachel Sabath Beit Halachmi

Temple Adath Israel (Reform) 124 N. Ashland, Lexington (859) 269-2979
Rabbi David Wirtschafter

U.K. 犹太学生组织/希勒尔奖学金
Karen Petrone
Usually meets every other Friday

Our Savior Lutheran Church
285 Hill-N-Dale Drive
(859) 379-9262
Justin Mason, Pastor

Centenary United Methodist Church
(859) 236-4800

Christ the Head Missionary Church
Orlando Mays, Pastor 845 East Main Street.
(859) 936-7300


201 Main Street (The Warehouse)
Jason Kilby, Lead Pastor

Southland Christian Church
Danville Campus
1001 Ben Ali Drive, Suite 2
(859) 224-1600
Brian Lucas, Campus Leader

Vision Worship Center
704 Holladay Dr / P.O. Box 1811
(859) 209-4184
Melinda Weathers, Lead Pastor

Grace Presbyterian Church (PCA)
180 Bold Venture
(859) 236-9137
Shane Terrell, Sr. Pastor

The Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)
500 W. Main Street
(859) 236-6692
Caroline M. Kelly, Pastor

Religious Life Staff